Sunday, August 21, 2011


A tree of life :) I really liked how knobbly everything looked. it gave the feeling that this tree is very old, wise, and all-knowing~~ plus the apple is so cute :D Anyway, this work was more of helping me explore with the texture and form of a tree, the bumps and knobbles and twists and turns. Sketching (and shading) this tree helped me better understand the natural form of a tree, and thus helped me get closer to my goal of making a realistic looking tree. ^^
This tree was more of prep for my summer tree. Although the drawing looks rather simple, it was of great significance to me, as it was after i finished it and looked at it that i realised that the best way to capture the essence of summer was to make a tree with a thick crown full of leaves. Summer is the only time trees are at their prime of leaves and this thus led to the design of my summer tree, to make the candle holder out of the crown of leaves (it being the main representational point of summer) C:
this winter tree serves the same purpose as the summer tree above, providing me with inspiration for my winter tree. The whole image of a tree like that sprouting out of snow also got me imagining a forest of leafless trees, perched on fluffy white snow, and got me thinking - what else is there in winter?
this is a composition for a sculpture i originally planned to make before the seasons idea popped into my head. I was playing around with the idea of life without hope and faced a problem of how best to depict a dead tree. I could simply make the tree leafless, with its branches dry and devoid of life, but it seemed too similar to winter trees. So I decided on fallen logs.
oh this has to be one of my favourite and most successful sketches ever :D I used an eraser (heh.) for the hanging leaves (?) to try and mimic the glowing effect and it worked quite well ^^ It's the tree of souls from avatar, and I found it fitting for my coursework as the movie depicts it as the closest thing to a tree of life. But more than its use in my coursework, this drawing is significant to me because I have never really drawn something so realistic before. It gave me confidence and showed me that I can draw well if I set my mind to it ^^

1 comment:

  1. I love the last willow like tree. I really like the mood and atmosphere it has around it :D
