Monday, February 14, 2011

tree of life

hum. i wonder why all the images that i got for 'tree of life' were leafless trees with curling branches.. hmm.. for people who have experience drawing swirley patterns, you would know that out of each swirl, grows another. And another, and another. The swirls maybe big, or maybe small, but they all add to the graceful effect. This picture really is quite nice :D with the nice scenery of the sky and all.. but why are there people chopping it down? It sort of reminds me of Avatar where the humans were going to chop down the tree of souls.
This is alot more peaceful and gives the sense of hope. Like in the movie the Prince of Egypt, talking about Moses and his stories of helping his people and parting the red sea, when God first approached Moses, He came in the form of a glowing white light, much like the light shining out of this tree. Everyone always thinks that God lives up in the sky. Maybe He lives in the ground, giving small seeds the power to produce huge trees. This picture /sort of/ supports my theory, having a tree that looks like it could give hope. :D

1 comment:

  1. Hello Blogger, after looking at the pictures you have on this post, I wanted to ask if those are your art work or they were pulled from the internet. In other case I wanted to know if they are copyrigthed and you have the rigths to use them? I am on a search for a tree picture and liked the second one.

    Please contact me,


